Broken Link Building

Broken Link Building or Dead Link Building is an effective SEO tactic to build backlinks by replacing links that lead to 404 pages.


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Improve Rankings

Highly relevant Backlinks from authority sites means rankings boost guaranteed.

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Organic Traffic Growth

Our clients have seen over 200% growth in less than 3 months.

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Increased Revenue

Increase in traffic means more $$ for your business.

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Brand Building

Mention in the big publications will get your brand a bn.

Broken Link Building or Dead Link Building is an effective SEO tactic to build backlinks by replacing links that lead to 404 pages. It works because if you recreate content that a broken link is directing a site user to, you can then ask the site owner to instead link to your new content. 

The reason it’s so effective is because site owners don’t want broken links on their website. Consumers find this irritating and it creates a poor experience for them. Link building is a strategic and scalable technique that leads to higher ranked webpages. By building broken links, we can also land clients with higher conversion rates. 

How Does It Work?

Here’s how we carry out this service for clients:

  • Locate dead webpages on sites that create content in your niche. We choose ones that feature several backlinks, then locate any broken outlinks with several backlinks on the same pages.
  • Locate expired domains in the same category your site operates in. 
  • Discover broken links by scraping links and pages in your niche.
  • We reach out to site owners offering an improvement to their user experience by replacing their broken links with your new one.

You end up with quality backlinks to your site from authority domains. It’s a win-win.


Want to see some samples?

We have done White-Hat Backlinks in almost all the niches. If you want to check some samples, get in touch.

Who we've worked with

What clients say

I have RankRight on monthly retainer. They get me 8-12 links monthly. All high authority and free of spam. In 4 months, my store has seen 280% growth in organic traffic.
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Ronnie Teja
eCom stores owner
I have bought 10+ guest posts from RankRight in the last 2 months. Organic traffic is already up and so it affiliate income. Highly recommended.
Adnan Mahmud
Adnan Mahmud
Affiliate Marketer

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78 Seel St, Liverpool, L1 4BH